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9 Ways to Keep Your Child from Getting Sick at School

When children start going to school, they get exposed to different bacteria (both good and bad) in the environment. Some get ill while others power through the day. Parents wonder how they can strengthen their children’s health. Elite Preschool shares some tips on how to keep your child from getting sick at school.

How to keep your child from getting sick at school?

Teachers create different classes that let children interact with each other. Some games let them hold hands, pass on notes, or even run along with each other. These activities expose them to different kinds of bacteria that cause illnesses or merely strengthen their bodies. The following are tips on how to strengthen and prevent children from getting sick in school.

Keeping hands clean

Hands – the body parts that kids use to explore anything they see. They feel the leaves, trees, animals, and even other kids. Germs and bacteria get through their skin and underneath their nails. When some children bite their nails, not only does it damage the teeth, but it also transfers the germs to their mouths. This leads to various diseases, such as respiratory or gastrointestinal diseases.

To prevent this, implore your children to regularly wash their hands after playing outside whenever they get home. Most especially, before eating their meals. When washing with soap and water, have them scrub their hands for at least 30 seconds. Either recite a poem or sing a song like Happy Birthday.

If soap and water are nowhere to be found, hand sanitizer can do the job. In packing their school bags, parents can insert sanitizer and should teach kids how to properly use it.

Exercising regularly and staying active

Good nutrition and regular exercise definitely help you cope with life’s dramas.Terri Irwin

Being active and consistently exercising begins with trying out different things and eventually discovering the best routine for you. For children, they get active through different activities such as:

  1. Playing tag

  2. Trying out ballet or modern dance

  3. Running with mom or dad

  4. Biking around the neighborhood

  5. Walking home from school

Some research says that when children get moderate exercise, it diminishes the chances of getting colds or flu by around 50% over the year. Regular exercise boosts the production and circulation of cells that protect the body from infection.

Get enough hours of sleep

Just like the basic needs – water, clothing, and shelter, sleep is one of the most important things that children do in their lives. During a school night, parents should see to it that they get at least eight (8) hours of sleep before going to school. When they sleep less hours, their bodies fail to regenerate lost cells and risk their health.

For infants, they need at least 14-16 hours of sleep everyday. On the other hand, preschoolers need at least 11-13 hours of sleep in order to be healthy and strong!

Eat a healthy and balanced meal everyday

Eating a healthy and balanced meal daily strengthens children’s immune systems. If they eat foods rich in Vitamin C, it strengthens the the body to fight off scurvy, colds, and prevent asthma attacks early on. Food rich in Vitamin C include:

  1. Broccoli

  2. Oranges

  3. Tangerines

  4. Lemons

  5. Strawberries

When kids get enough Vitamin D, either from the sun rays or through food, it strengthens their bones and prevents rickets. Food sources for Vitamin D include:

  1. Cereals

  2. Fortified milk

  3. Sunlight

  4. Tuna

  5. Some mushrooms

It also helps if children eat yogurt.

Take the whole family for an annual flu vaccine

Every year, parents need to consult their family doctor for a flu vaccine. This strengthens the children against the flu virus.

Refrain from sharing drinking containers and utensils

Children learn the value of sharing and how nice it is to share their food with their peers. However, sharing causes some germs to transfer from one child to another. When children bring their own food and drink to school, another classmate might ask if they can drink from it. Being the nice kid, they allow it. If the other child suffers from colds, the virus transfers to the container. When the kid drinks from it, they will surely get it. Hence, getting a cold in the future.

Parents, remind your children to avoid sharing and use cups for drinking. Encourage your child to share their food without compromising their health along the way.

Bring and use own materials especially in school activities

Different classroom activities require different kinds of materials. Some children forget to bring their own and end up borrowing from their classmates instead. Germs spread easily through passing different materials.

Teachers need to encourage children to bring their own, especially if the activities require them. For parents, remember to buy these necessary materials as this prevents children from getting various germs and bacteria. If kids use a pencil, let them bring at least two and a sharpener of their own.

Help children understand to give sick children their own space

In some instances, other children who just got colds still go to school. While this may not seem like a very big issue, teach your child to give the sick children their own space. It doesn’t mean that they have to stop being friends and ignore each other. However, tell them to lessen body contact and refrain from borrowing their things.

Teach children how to improve their personal hygiene

One of the best tips that parents need to know is to teach your children to maintain their personal hygiene seriously. This begins with their dental hygiene up to washing their hands and feet after playing outside.


As the popular saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure,” the same thing parents do when they see symptoms of their kids getting sick. They do everything they can to prevent the illness spreading in their homes. However, the hygienic routine begins with themselves. If they really follow through with it, it helps them build their immune system, thereby preventing illnesses. Elite Preschool ensures the safety of the kids by maintaining a clean campus and helpful staff to help them if they feel ill. They share these tips to help parents strengthen and raise awareness in their children about health.

When you enroll your children at Elite Preschool, you’re teaching them also about maintaining good health!

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