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Top 5 Pieces of Parenting Advice That Every Parent Needs


Parenting advice can come from many different sources. From an elderly woman in church to your friendly next door neighbor, or even your chatty office mate. Different people have different experiences. But, it seems as though no one has officially cracked the code on providing a universal method for raising kids. No one can prepare you enough for this role and that makes life the greatest teacher. Of all of the pieces of parenting advice that we have heard, a few stood out. Check out these top 5 pieces of parenting advice that every parent needs. 

  1. Model Good Behavior

Your child’s behavior is often a reflection of your own behavior. Kids (toddlers especially) are keen observers of their parents’ words and actions. Although kids don’t entirely pick up their behaviors from their parents, as many external factors also contribute to behavior, to some degree, parents are responsible. 

There’s a reason why parents shouldn’t fight in front of their kids. And why cussing and swearing is not tolerated at home. Being a good parent means being the person that you want your kids to become. Children often imitate their parents’ behaviors. Sure, we are not perfect. But we must strive to be better for our kids’ well-being — or at least try.

  1. Give Meaningful Compliments

One great piece of parenting advice is to always seek opportunities to give meaningful compliments to your kids, while ensuring that you only give praise where praise is due. We don’t want to overcompensate. The point of giving praise is to encourage positive behavior. Positive behavior includes  actions that they have control over and can improve upon. 

As much as possible, look to praise your child for their hard work, their effort, or their good behavior instead of an inherent ability or trait. This helps to develop your kid’s perseverance and encourages the development of a growth mindset.

  1. Boost your Child’s Self-Esteem

Not all kids are the same. Self-esteem comes easy for some kids and it can be a bit of a challenge for others. The key here is patience. Self-esteem develops over time. As kids grow day by day, they are presented with a handful of opportunities to learn and to do things. Checking items off of a list of milestones and successfully completing  achievements can collectively contribute to building a child’s sense of self. 

A child’s self-esteem also stems from feeling loved and accepted and from receiving positive attention and care from their parents.

Parents are the primary agents responsible for boosting a child’s self-esteem. Being there to witness and to help your child learn new things, no matter how big or small, can do so much for your child’s self-esteem. Teach them how to do it first, then let them do it on their own. Giving your kids the opportunity to try and learn things on their own teaches your kids to be proud of themselves for accomplishing something through their own efforts. 

Most importantly never give harsh criticism to your kids nor speak negatively about them. As a parent, your words are a powerful tool that can either make or break your kid’s sense of self. One negative criticism can leave an imprint on your child’s mind and can harm their self-esteem. Regardless of how many positive things that you’ve said about them in the past, this one will always stick out like a sore thumb and can resound with them even into their adult life. Instead, extend positivity by being patient. Teach your kids how it’s done. And, speak kind words to them at all times. 

  1. Make Time for Quality Time

Spending some time with your kids even when doing the most mundane of tasks can create the most memorable times of their childhood. Although not everyone is fortunate enough to care for their kids full time, making time for quality time counts. 

Connect with your kids on a daily basis. Activities can range from sharing meals with them to taking them grocery shopping. 

Home improvement is also a great way to bond with your kids. Visiting a home improvement store nearby and picking out the color that they want to paint their rooms  helps them feel connected and involved in the process. 

There’s a bunch of other ways to bond with your kids as well. Aim to create meaningful moments and memories that build a lasting impression. 

  1. Set Consistent Limits and Provide Effective Consequences

Effective Parenting should always go hand in hand with discipline. It’s about guiding your children to choose behaviors that are acceptable over those that are not. Discipline also teaches kids about self-control. 

Having simple rules at home gives your kids enough room to be themselves while adhering to the rules that you’ve set. The rules as well as the consequences must be communicated clearly. No cellphones during bedtime should mean no cellphones during bedtime if they don’t want their phones to be confiscated for 3 days. As a parent, keep in mind that you are the one in charge. Be firm with the limits and follow through with the consequences that you’ve set. This method of discipline works best when you are there to actively impose the rules and consequences that you’ve set in place. 

Give your kids a great head start while they’re young! Visit or call (623) 907-9938. Schedule a tour with us today! 

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