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Preschool Pros and Cons: Sending Your Child to Preschool

Early childhood education like daycare and preschool is great for children to start exploring the world. But is sending your child to preschool right for them? Take a look at this list of pros and cons of sending your children to preschool.


Children are able to practice their social skills

Preschool curriculum includes story time, art projects, simple science experiments, and singing to nursery rhymes. These activities let kids work with other kids. Teachers give instructions for these activities and the children learn how to cooperate with their classmates.

This develops their ability to communicate with others. Being in preschool helps kids practice their interpersonal skills.

Children are introduced to the basics

One of the benefits of going to preschool is that the alphabet and numbers are included on a daily basis. Children learn the letters of the alphabet by singing songs. They learn numbers and how to count by counting blocks. Children’s language skills are developed through story time sessions and learn colors through painting and coloring books. The activities that kids do in school give them valuable lessons, and although it can be messy, these activities grow their curiosity.

Preschool gives children a glimpse into the sciences like biology, botany, geology, and zoology. Preschool also teaches about shapes by doing puzzles! There are a lot of things that children learn in preschool to prepare them for formal school

Having new experiences

The more your kid explores and plays, the more they’ll learn new things. At preschool, there are plenty of opportunities to make new discoveries. Children will leave their safe zones to uncover things they are curious about.

Children will learn to trust adults

If you are the only adult that your child feels comfortable with, preschool provides a valuable lesson for them. In preschool, children spend time with teachers and other adults. By enrolling your child in school, it helps them build trust with other adults.

Beside you, they will learn to trust other adults and that they’ll be okay without you around. Being in preschool helps your child learn independence.


Preschool can be expensive

Early childhood education doesn’t come cheap. The cost of preschool education varies depending on where you live. For some, it is cheaper to enroll their child in a daycare. Preschool isn’t cheap, and can even be more expensive than hiring a babysitter.

A preschool education comes with a price, including monthly tuition, registration fees, miscellaneous fees, and other school supplies.

Children will be prone to sickness

When it’s your kid’s first time attending preschool, it is also their first time being exposed to other kids and new surroundings. It’s not uncommon for kids to get sick when they spend time with other kids.

Make sure to take care of them by providing healthy foods and letting them get enough sleep.

Separation Anxiety

It is normal for kids to feel anxiety, especially when it’s their first time away from their parents. Just like any transition, morning drop-offs can be tough for both the parent and the child. Some children will freak out, so it’s important for parents to establish a good drop off routine.

Assure your child that you are coming back when school finishes. Hug and kiss them goodbye and don’t linger afterwards. Children will get used to this and soon will no longer cry.


At the end of the day, it’s up to the parents to decide what’s best for the child. Carefully consider the pros and cons. Preschool is a wonderful thing and can teach so many things to your children. If you are looking for a great quality preschool, visit Elite Preschool today.

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